To improve and expand sustainable Christ-centered education globally.
8825 Aero Drive, Suite 220,
San Diego, California, 92123
We are a 501(c)(3) charitable organization that makes quality education more accessible to children in developing countries. We provide training and loans to school entrepreneurs who offer high quality, affordable and financially self-sustainable Christ-centered education for children in their community. This partnership helps them grow their infrastructure, improve teaching, and incorporate innovative education technology solutions into their curriculum. We operate in: Burkina Faso, Dominican Republic, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guatemala, Liberia, Northeast India, Peru, Rwanda and Sierra Leone.
We provide at least one of these three supports to our partner schools:
− Training of school leaders and teachers to develop Christ-like character in students and training of school leaders to manage and grow their schools effectively
− Loan capital to expand and improve school infrastructure
− Education technology to enhance learning outcomes and employability Education is a proven pathway out of poverty, and every child deserves this universal right.
Further, Edify believes that good education that imparts Jesus’ values of loving your neighbor, honesty and service results in profound and long-lasting transformation. It serves as the foundation for children to become leaders in their families, communities and countries and replace corruption and violence with integrity and peace.
Edify partner schools all teach about Jesus but welcome children of any faith or no faith.As of March 30, 2017, we have cumulatively impacted 634,402 students and 2,346 schools. $19.4 million has been loaned out to schools to help improve and/or expand their infrastructure.
Just imagine your own life with limited or no education. Perhaps you have traveled to see a different culture and faced the immense challenges of not knowing the language. You know what the local currency is, but you have little idea of its value, or what the exchange rate is. What if you were stuck in this land for the rest of your life? What if you had no opportunity to learn? No ability to gain reading or writing skills? Little chance to gain skills for simple commerce? How different would your life be?
Edify envisions a world that is no longer dominated by crushing poverty. We see a future where children grow to be responsible adults with good jobs.
Join us in making a difference. If we’ve piqued your interest, we encourage you to review the resources below. They are valuable sources of information about the overwhelming education needs of the poor, and the things we are doing to help.